Chi Nei Tsang
Abdominal Massage, Chi Nei Tsang
Chi Nei Tsang is an ancient healing modality using abdominal massage to restore the health the of the whole being. Our abdominal region houses our liver, gall bladder, digestive system, kidneys etc. Many of our cultural sayings point to the intelligence and power of this area such as “gut feeling” pointing to the underlying intelligence beyond our logical brain, “butterfly’s in the stomach” when we are nervous, we may lose control of our bladder when we are scared (kidneys are associated with fear and connected to the bladder), alcoholics may become angry do to the effects of alcohol on the liver (which is connected to the emotion of anger). There is absolutely nothing to judge about our emotions, we all have them, they are a part of our human experience. They are messages of guidance for us to listen to the moment we begin to get a sense of them. Throughout our day we may distract ourselves consciously and unconsciously from our feelings because they make us uncomfortable or we’ve been taught that it is wrong to feel a certain way, like angry or sad. When we don’t listen to our feelings, we can get ourselves into situations which will really make our emotions grow louder and wreak havoc on our health or our relationships. Our abdomen also is also the seat of our Tan Tien which is the center of our Chi or Life Force. It is the home to the belly button, where we were nourished as we came into the world and the Solar Plexus which is the chakra or energy center that pertains to how we radiate our sense of self and who we are in this world.
There are many, many connections of our health in the abdomen, both emotional and physical. I became interested in Chi Nei Tsang when my back “went out” and I was bed ridden for a few days, to comfort myself I gave myself belly massage. Using self abdominal massage, I would find the areas of tension which when released, my back would feel better. Later when I trained in Chi Nei Tsang, I discovered working areas in my abdomen would refer to my neck and jaw and within my practice, clients have spoken of many other connections of the abdominal area to the whole body.
Many people have had their own unique healing experience with this work. This is a deep practice that restores an openness one's center and allows the body’s natural healing ability to circulate throughout the whole body system. Energy that is stuck either in illness/injury or fighting an illness/injury can then be freed to serve the body in achieving its natural radiant health. After releasing knots and twists in the intestines and stuck energy or congestion in the organs, foods can be more easily digested, wastes can be passed thru in a timely manner, better sleep can be had, hormones become more balanced, sexual drive and fertility is opened, etc. When we are healthy, life is lived and experienced in greater ease, confidence, and vitality.